SYNS Event

Workshop Details: Sunday, 10 June, 2018
During the afternoon on Sunday before the International School and Conference of Network Science, NetSci 2018 and SYNS will be hosting a pre-conference event for PhD students and young postdocs. The goal is to offer a relaxing yet stimulating afternoon activity for students who will be flying into Paris before the conference and are looking for a place to go. It will take place at the Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Île-de-France, starting at 13:00 on Sunday, 10 June, in ISC-PIF Room 1.1 / ISC-PIF Room 1.2. Note: in order to attend this event, you must already be registered to NetSci 2018.
Deadline for registration: May 28, 2018
13:00 - 14:00: Introductions
This part of the event is optional and is meant to give incoming students some wiggle-room in case their flights are late or they have trouble finding their way around a new city.
14:30 - 17:30: Special Session: Constructing Great Scientific Papers
- Brought to us by: Nature Physics • NetSci 2018 • NetSci Society Young Initiatives
Scientific articles are the primary means of dissemination of research results, forming the basis of science archiving. We are lucky to be joined by Federico Levi, an editor at Nature Physics. He’ll first discuss how science publishing works. What is the role of journals? What is the job of an editor? We will then work together to learn how to make the most of the writing process, understanding how to piece a paper together, construct good titles and abstracts and draft a cover letter to accompany a submission. This three-hour event (with a 30-minute coffee break in the middle) is meant to be hands-on, active, and collaborative. This event is limited to a maximum of 40 participants.
18:00 - 19:30: Paper Unwind: Deconstructing Great Scientific Papers
- Brought to us by: SYNS • NetSci Society Young Initiatives
For this event, we are inviting 3 researchers to come in and participate in a Paper Unwind with PhD students and young network scientists. In Paper Unwinds, each researcher gives an informal 20 minute talk about a recent paper of theirs that tells the “real story” behind how this paper came together. How did the idea come to be? How did the collaboration work? What were the struggles in doing the research and writing the paper? Was there a statistical method that proved to be really useful? How did you know that the paper had enough to be considered finished? How many venues was this work submitted to? In essence, we want to know what really happened before this paper was published—the story behind the story. A common concern among network science students is about crafting better expectations about how publishing interdisciplinary research actually works. This is meant to be a relaxed, social event, and after the speakers have shared their stories, we will spend some time socializing as we close down the event. This event is limited to a maximum of 60 participants.
— Yamir Moreno, University of Zaragoza
— Sonia Kéfi, ISEM & CNRS
— Stefano Battiston, University of Zurich
20:00 - 22:00: Social Hour and Dinner in Paris
Concluding a day of learning, we will get our first taste of the city with new friends.
Society of Young Network Scientists:
Student Contacts:
- Brennan Klein,
- Carolina Mattsson,